The 2,700 workers dismissed over a year ago by Philippines Airlines have continued to fight for their jobs. After a month of their protest camp, the workers, organised by PALEA, were attacked by thugs who tried to destroy their protest camp. This week, a Filipino court has provided police with 39 arrest warrants against PALEA officers and members over that attack by thugs. This is a travesty of justice and an attempt to destroy the union and the resistance by workers. For more information and solidarity, click here.
After a successful Global Day of Action, AAWL, PALEA, Hava Is and our other international partners are continuing to discuss possibilities for joint action and international industrial action and solidarity. |
The attempted assassination of the 14 year old Malala Yousafzai in the Swat Valley in Pakistan is not only an attack against the rights of women, but is an attack on the left in Pakistan. While Malala was an outspoken advocate for women’s rights, she was also very interested in the social problems effecting Pakistan. Malala was a young revolutionary committed to fighting against the corrupt nature of the Pakistan elite and against the inequalities of the capitalist system.
In a show of international solidarity, a number of trade unions and social movement organisations in south Korea have come in support of the massive strikes that are underway in South Africa. The statement condemns the brutal killing of 34 miners at Marikana, calls for justice for these murders, and supports the struggle of the miners for better pay and conditions. To read the full statement, click here.
The union representing the Gadani shipbreaking yards, the Alang Sosiya Ship Recycling and General Workers’ Association (ASSRGWA), has, with the help of international unions, won the right to compensation payments. Despite this and the fact that they have managed to unionise 20% of the workforce, the OH&S conditions for workers are still atrocious. Just this week another six workers were killed in a fire, while the European Commission is about to legalise the export of contaminated ships to these shipyards.
Garment workers are some of the least paid industrial workers in the world with the legal minimum wage in Cambodia only being US$61/month while in Bangladesh it is still stuck at $36/month even after unprecedented strike actions in 2011. While companies like H&M profess to care for their workers, the reality is very different with workers being fired when taking action. Lately, Burma has entered the fray wanting preferential trade agreements with both Europe and the USA so it can attract foreign investment. How low will the wages for Burmese workers be set at?
A recent report by the Center for Trade Union and Human Rights (CTHUR) has accused oil plantations in Caraga, The Philippines, of routinely employing and exploiting child labourers. Children, between 5-17 years old, are expected to work as adults, up to 12 hours a day and to carry weights of up to 50 Kgs. The researchers found that low wages, precarious employment and low unionisation rate are the causes forcing children to work at an early age.
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